I am in need of new ideas! Please leave your suggestions in the Comment section below!
Got a Birthday coming up? The Hub of Gates will gladly advertise it!
Signed, John C., Founder and CEO of the Hub of Gates.
This blog is so students at Gates Intermediate School can talk, play games, take part in polls, you name it! Got a question? Comment? Suggestion? Leave me a comment, and I just might put it on the blog! Since February 2008,this blog has been the inspiration for other blogs such and "Whatever", "Cup of Tea w/ Crackers", and numerous others. We at the Hub of Gates feel honored to have been such an inspiration! Thank You!
1 – 200 of 478 Newer› Newest»First comment!
hi i am very bored
me too!!!!
Have fun being Jojo on wednesday. I promise i won't bug you and ask to fix a billion things.
Theresa hebert
ps. does this count as a practical comment if i wanted to be on the daily 5 practical comments list
Your riddles are very complicated. Do you come up with them yourself or get them from a website
Nice blog. Because of this i might get my own blog
was my last comment practical
Is this comment practical
All comments were practical.
A non-practical comment does not have a subject and/or reasonable topic. an example is saying "one comment!" or "hi" and nothing else
Thank you very much John.
guess what! because of the hub of gates blog i started my own blog. It is www.scituateblog.blogspot.com
It is not as good as yours but it will improve with suggestions. Please visit if you get a chance
thank you for the owl test colpoys. I will complete it and return it to you asap. I will make sure to follow the rules
will you tell me how to put links on my blog. Don't forget to visit. Maybe i will pay you a few bucks to advertise my blog on yours
I have an idea for a countdown. YOu could do the number of days until 8th grade begins. Or the number of days until fourth of july. please take these comments into consideration
Colpoys i need to get a 90 on my next science test to boost my grade to an A-. Any suggestions on studying, taking the test, scoring extra points. Maybe i could join the typo police and get a badge. I can be helpful in finding typos. My dad was an english teacher for 30 years you know.
R U seriously interested in joining the Typo Police?
I am seriously interested. I know i didn't like them before but know i realized that the typos mr. c makes are very annoying. Please let me join and make me a card so i can get points on my test. I will start finding typos as soon as i am recruited
Colpoys, The test is tomorrow. May I join the typo police or not?
Thank you for posting my name on your blog. PLease consider advertising my blog on yours. Did you see mr.carrison has a link to your blog on his. That is pretty cool!
hey colpoys my birthday is monday u better buy me a twinkie!!!!!
i only have 4 min to save the world
happy colpoys i left a message!!!!
hey colpoys,
cool blog!
i would like to take the harry potter test- can u send it to xomarisa94xo@aim.com
thanks a lot
marisa marshalka
colpoys i want a copy of the harry potter test but my email is AIM. can i still get a copy??????
u should try chicken soup
Colpoys thanks for all your help on my blog and the fungi test. i got a 100
Hi everyone. Nice blog Colpoys! Check out my blog at http://ms-guided.blogspot.com/.
John you should give my typo police some tips. They got their own blog too. it is www.cupofteawithsomecrackers@blogspot.com
John your o.w.l. quiz is really hard. I didn't know any of the potions and i didn't know many of the constellations.
John, what about number of days until april vacation?i
i think we have 10 days of school before vacation. 12 days total. This may not be 100% accurate but close
hey colpoys.. my brother says that he has seen you before because you were in the paper!!!
that doesn't really count.
I mean where would i have met him!
happy b day Mike!! :)
Colpoys i will give that o.w.l. test to you tomorrow but i know that i will get a bad score. I had to leave the whole potions section blank
I'm gonna make it easy for you. As long as the spelling is close enough, then it will count in the Potions section!
Well, I'm a man of my word.John,you said there were 40 comments,it's not the same when about 30 of those are all the same people!!!!!
40 comments is still 40 comments regardless of who wrote them
You're right,but it's not the same "thrill" as having tons of website hits, people checking the blog every couple of minutes looking for updates,and tons of comments about how they love the blog entries and wit.
hi new post is up on my blog. waaaay better than the first one
hey john
Hey Colopoys (*a.ka. skipping partener)
May i be issued an extremly awesome O.W.L
please sen dto mmaccune@comcast.net
what happened to the list of people who made practical comments?
Hellllo Colpiys nice blog... I am a very big Harry Potter fan and would like a quiz if that would be possible..... Thank you Colpoys :)
Bridget B.
where is everybody?
I LIKE TWINKIES!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey Colpoys
4 points huh?
Tell that to Ben on the bus tommorow and now I bet you know who I am.
Goodluck gettin' to 100 comments
"Bona Fortuna" as the Romans say.
See yuh'
Just looked at when this was posted and March 24 that was a while ago you should update it
53rd COMMENT!!!!!!!
Were did the countdowns go!!!?
The countdowns are still there. You just nedd to click on the timer.
Though some weird happen and I think the hours might be off!
Hi John Colpoys this is Bridget :) I was wondering if I could possibly have an OWL test? I do not want to disclose me email so can you send it to Theresa or Marie for me? If so, that would be great. Many thanks and the blog looks great just a couple minor glitches.... See me to discuss them. Very Well than. PS I go as anonoymous :)
What dou mean by glitches?
Apparently you can't read the color red because i says "TEST DISTRIBUTION WILL BE CANCELLED UNTIL AFTER VACATION"
this blog is completely sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)
can i take your owl quiz?
i can tell u my email @ school
whats a "practical comment"?
i still think u should add the homework!
Sincere apologies Culpoys for my clumsy reading.
-A couple of glitches could be on the bottom of the page above the flag with the picture of Mr. C's penicil I thought it was a typo the way you saif " F free..." You may want to fix that a bit...
-I would also like the know how Alexes eye is doing. I feel quite bad.
-Why aren't the OWL test being distributed over vacation?! I would like to do one in my spare time because during the school week I am very busy...
colpoys, this blog is LAME
If u don't like something, then suggest a better idea!
okay, well you need some videos actually on the site instead of links and you definetly need more pictures :-p
I would like you to get back to me on the glitches.
Hello All Fello Gates Students... Does anyone happen to know the measurment of skirts or shorts that girls can wear? I checked the Handbook but it did not say. Please get back.
According to the handbook, "shorts or skirts that are shorter than mid-thigh in length" are "NOT SCHOOL APPROPIATE"
I would like an exact measurment. I already read in the handbook that comment but I am looking for a measuremnt. I hear there is one. Isn't this suppose to be the Hub of Gates?!
Yours Truly,
1. Pay attention to how you use water. The little things can make a big difference. Every time you turn off the water while you're brushing your teeth, you're doing something good. Got a leaky toilet? You might be wasting 200 gallons of water a day [Source: EPA]. Try drinking tap water instead of bottled water, so you aren't wasting all that packaging as well. Wash your clothes in cold water when you can.
2. Leave your car at home. If you can stay off the road just two days a week, you'll reduce greenhouse gas emissions by an average of 1,590 pounds per year [Source: EPA]. Combine your errands -- hit the post office, grocery store and shoe repair place in one trip. It will save you gas and time.
3. Walk or ride your bike to work, school and anywhere you can. You can reduce greenhouse gases while burning some calories and improving your health. If you can't walk or bike, use mass transit or carpool. Every car not on the road makes a difference.
If you must drink bottled water, recycle the bottle.
4. Recycle.You can help reduce pollution just by putting that soda can in a different bin. If you're trying to choose between two products, pick the one with the least packaging. If an office building of 7,000 workers recycled all of its office paper waste for a year, it would be the equivalent of taking almost 400 cars off the road [Source: EPA].
5. Compost. Think about how much trash you make in a year. Reducing the amount of solid waste you produce in a year means taking up less space in landfills, so your tax dollars can work somewhere else. Plus, compost makes a great natural fertilizer. Composting is easier than you think.
Yours Truly,
1. The measurement you are looking for is dependant on the length of your mid thigh.
2. Happy Earth Day to you too. But even though your intentions were good, perhaps there could be the arguable case, like the fact that carpooling, walking, bike-riding, etc. is better. Well if you wish to discuss this more, please leave your comment(s).
John Colpoys
PS: If you wish to discuss the envirnmental "issues" as mentioned above, I must warn you, I am a fierce debator!
John Colpoys
my apologies!
Thank you Mr. Colpoys I to am a fierce debator.
1.) What do you think is the most effective way to stop global warming and why?
* I think that the reduction of fossil fuels is because we are polluting the atmosphere and that causes heat -warming then -global warming...*
I would be interested to discuss this more with you Mr. Colpoys.
Thankyou for the notice on the skirts regarding the "Mid thigh" note I intend to try on all of my spring/summer clothes ro see if they will suit the dress code.
I think that you should post a reminder about the dress code on your blog because it is the Hub of Gates!
Well I can say that all is excited to get back to Gates for some more learning!
Yours Truly,
heyy im back from d.c.
You're most welcome, Anonymous.
In my opinion, before we discuss the solution, we first must discuss the problem. I believe that Global Warming is STARTING to occur for two possabilities:
1. The Earth could merely be heating up naturally, thus melting the Polar Ice, causing dramatic climate change.
2. Artificial gases/fumes are destroying the O-Zone, thus letting in more "sunlight", causing the Polar Ice to melt, changing are climate.
Please respond for more discussion.
John Colpoys
Hello Roisin!
How was your trip? I actually have a poll that ties in to your trip.
John Colpoys
Mr. Colpoys
- I could not agree more with the statements that you presented.
Although you say we must discuss the problmes before the solution when the society finallys finishes discussing the problem it may be merely to late to take action?
I agree about your second statement about with the gases and fumes letting "sunlight" into the Earth, that is very true and harmful.
I am not sure that I can agree to your first statement. I do not think that the Earth is just merely heating up naturally like you said.
If that was the case than thousands maybe millions of years ago the(note earth was still around) Earth would have been a puddle. Keep in mind that the Earth has been around for millions of Years and that it would take a very long time for this to happen, Hence it could have already happened.
If you seem to know anonoymous is than who am I than who am I Mr. Colpoys?
Yours Truly,
Ps- I took your poll and strongly agree that young people/young adults should be represented in the government.
PPS- How was your trip Rosin?
New post on my blog! Check it out.
my trip was awsome. ill let u know when the new post is up on my blog
I'm still here!
John Colpoys
PS: Do you still want a test anonymous?
What is this test you speak of? I do not think you know my identity.
Yours Truly,
PS I am a fiecer debator I see that you have not responded to that.
I wish not to debate, for i wish not to upset you with you losing.
John Colpoys
we just wanted to make it clear that we strongly agree with anonymous on this issue for she has presented the most reasonable facts.
-fellow gates students
p.s- may we please be the judge of this fierce debate(please get back to us a.s.a.p)
At all of your requests, I am no good at written debates, but rather verbal debates. If you wish to continue this debate, then let us have a discussion in person.
John Colpoys
How about Monday, A lunch Colpoys, BRING YOUR "A" GAME. Debate!!!
Yours Truly,
Many thanks MJ AND ZDAWG
Jeff Ummmm what shoe do you think most people would vote for me if i wore?
{Boo Boos}
we will gladly attend A lunch to judge this fierce debate
we have spotted a typo mr. colpoys!
maybe next time we should ask beccai about the sneakers that would make us most likely to be voted for.
What typos r u talkin about? I searched my whole blog and found none!
I think Beccai would say to wear black eye liner.
Mr. Colpoys there is about 3 typos I found!, Oh my!
I can not wait for this debate Colpoys!
Yours Truly,
Who said "no" in the poll?
colpoys sweet blog but u know what u need
a picture of a guy with a mustache
seriously, who said "no way" in the poll?
so excited only 35 days left to summer vacation OHHYAAAA
How about u count down to how many days MCAS starts?
Just 4 more comments!!!
3 more!!!
2 more!
1 more
woo hoo!!!!
Hi John. You spelled Roisin's name wrong. You forgot the accents. Her blog rocks by the way. Yours is semi-cool, just the Mr. Carrison's pencil company part. Plus, having "young adults have a say in the gov. is a really, really, really, really bad idea. Sure, some of us would make good, even great decisions, but others... well... not so much.
-Chief of the Typo Police
AKA Emily
Most computers leave out accents from words, therefore it is not a typo!!!
PS: You're only an officer, not the Chief. We demoted you, remember?
Emily, feel free to be cheif of typo police on my blog
John, you actually left your own 100th comment? Sad
so, what's wrong with that?
woo! 33 more days of school!!!!! srry im kinda hyper right now...
why not add a typo police notice board with all the typo information on your blog. You could put up paperwork,new members,when the blog comes out. Stuff like that!
I don't know. Typo Police is strictly confidential. To reveal its secret functions, oh, that would be terrible!!!
John, we all know that u have A lunch and that u talk about it there. we see all the comments u put on the blog. Therefore, how do u know that it is still confedential?
We use multiple phycology methods to make you think you know you know, but what you think you know you know, isn't what you really know. You know?
Please define "hub" as in the hub of gates.
report back to us A.S.A.P
ariel and ursula(from the little mermaid)
hub-a center of activity or interest; a focal point around which events revolve; "the playground is the hub of parental supervision"
i can help with the 150 comments
New Post is up on my blog!!
Check out my trip to D.C.
heyy john i cant figure out where in the world you are or josh loynop??
Hey Colpoys. Finally I have gotten the time to visit your blog. Now you can't bug me in english and social studies class!! I was absent in school today because as you may know, I was sick yesterday following through to today,and yesterday in english Jordan kelley was an annoyance to many of us. Period 2. So, I am just trying to keep up with all of the schoolwork I need to get done. Keep us upadated on any new information. Talk to you tomorrow.
Thanks for coming on! Try a guess at my "Where in the World is John C?"
Colpoys I need ideas for my blog. Your "where in the world is John C." Is really cool.
John - I have no idea. Give me atleast one hint other than the ones posted.
did u get that?
did u get that?
did u get that?
did u get that?
I'll be sure to add a post about John C & nick Lopez and their love for chicken.
hi peoples
nice job
WHAT IS THE ANSWER TO THE HINT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... I played the tuba, and this kid was real sick, and he barfed into the end of it, and it seeped into my mouth
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... We had to take a quiz, but i had the hiccups, and i hiccuped real loud and everyone got mad
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... There was a piece of chocolate on the ground, so i ate it, but it turned out to be something other than chocolate
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... We decided to call ourselves the Musically Challenged, even though we are really good
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... This kid had some cookies, and a bear came, and they had to destroy it, so they shot it, and they killed it, and it died... but then we got to eat all of the cookies :-)
ONE TIME, AT BAND CAMP... I left the 150th comment!
i am Akmed and i shall bomb you!
Thank you for advertising my campaign on your blog. If you are nice maybe I will do the same.
TH for president
Please delete the comment with my email. Thank you.
TH for president
hellooo !! weres the new clue thingg??!
yeah, well i don't think you can make 225 by june...
when's the new clue coming out?
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
225 will be easy!
as long as your here, how about guessing in "Where in the World is John C?"
On your poll about school problems-you realize that the time between classes is a government thing and if we had more time we would have to go more days of school to make up the time. In our country you have to go to class a certain number of hours so if we added more time extra days would be added at the end of the year.
TH for President
Could you please delete the comment with my email.
TH for president
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
Lets reach 225 by June!
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